Saturday, August 9, 2014

8.8.14 Dingdongs, Anyone?

Went down by the Eagle Sanctuary road entrance, just down the street, to catch the view of the range and the magnificent clouds and the wind. 

Some dingdong from Pennsylvania had parked their car down the road PAST the "No Trespassing!" sign and the "Private Property" sign and, in case you're a little slow, the sign that said it was an Eagle Sanctuary.
You know- where you're really really careful and you leave them alone unless you're a researcher, so they will nest and have babies and every animal be peaceful and fine.

Well, I could see this dingdong far down the road in the field there, throwing a ball for a Rottweiler. Right up near where the nests are. 

Of course, this is a small town, so I got on my phone and I called the cops. I said "There's some guy from Pennsylvania who's driven up the Eagle Sanctuary Road, past the signs, and they're throwing a ball for dog up near the nests." 

Well, the office
r on the phone said that just wouldn't do, asked my information, and off went a cop car, to let that person know that the rules are actually for everybody, no fine print exempting them. Dingdong. 

In the meantime, it was a splendid early August day, as you very well know; the skies something filled with glory and loveliness, as the Eagles did fly about, catching their meals upon the river, and the rest of the humans tried very hard to let them that their day.

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