Monday, December 15, 2014

12.14.14 Here is something wonderful. Ready?

Photo: Here is something wonderful. Ready? Well , first, you see the tail-end of the 20 lb. Gemma. You see her cave under a table, a big box there so she doesn't have to stress, protecting her food and water and domain. 
     But what's so lovely is the long line of toys and favorite bones- that Dante, 75 lbs. and 1 1/2 yrs old, has been gently bringing and offering to her. And then? They sit, paws near , and hang out. Humm dee dum. 
     Oh yeah, she's developed some sort of need to pee on carpet and not pad. Aargh ! 
     But a neighbor's getting a good harness today, and with that , I can tell she's watched the other 2 dogs go out and wants a turn. A harness will allay the possibility of losing her all over again. 
     Praying all the coming efforts to find her a wonderful home pan out, as she unfolds like a new blossom, from a very challenged sweet being.

Here is something wonderful. Ready? Well , first, you see the tail-end of the 20 lb. Gemma. You see her cave under a table, a big box there so she doesn't have to stress, protecting her food and water and domain. 
But what's so lovely is the long line of toys and favorite bones- that Dante, 75 lbs. and 1 1/2 yrs old, has been gently bringing and offering to her. And then? They sit, paws near , and hang out. Humm dee dum.
Oh yeah, she's developed some sort of need to pee on carpet and not pad. Aargh !
But a neighbor's getting a good harness today, and with that , I can tell she's watched the other 2 dogs go out and wants a turn. A harness will allay the possibility of losing her all over again.
Praying all the coming efforts to find her a wonderful home pan out, as she unfolds like a new blossom, from a very challenged sweet being.

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