When you stop working
suddenly, due to health reasons,this strange thing begins to happen.
be passing by places with Help Wanted signs, and say to yourself " Oh hey,
I could do that." as you pass one, and then another .
Then remembering
that actually, no, that's not going to happen it seems.
And you remember why
you're not back doing your old real job.
Then on you go, and again come upon notices and
signs, and again think to yourself 'Oh... I'd be willing to do that. Yeah!
Maybe part time..'.
Til you remember again what it is that is happening , and
how it looks like that won't be part of it .
It's like we have to keep encountering
possibilities and get the reverb of the reality check bunches of times in
bunches of ways, until what has changed ,and what seems to be the new normal,sinks in.
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