Saturday, November 19, 2016

11.7.16 Along the streaming river

I got up and out early, urged out of bed by the softly approaching light. Brought the dog out, threw on yesterday's clothes in the dawn, grabbed turrledneck and hat, and was off to the river.
There was a light blanket of frost, laid out upon the ground, glistening everywhere. Chrysanthemums all through the neighborhood slept with their small pillowcase blankets on, still tucked in. 
Horses closed in for the night, against the coming cold.
The river was placid, the sky clear, with pink along the horizon, the trees and land cloaked in dark.
Til, a ways down the path, the sun crested the range, and light spilled down upon us all.
As I watched my breath, watched the streaming river, walk-running along , alone, as the day began.

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