Thursday, October 30, 2014

10.27.14 "Forgiveness is giving up all hope of having had a better past." Annie Lamott

Well, ultimately it SOUNDS like over time,
or in some way,
one comes to a deep internal acceptance.

Which precipitates a completion;
and then, it slowly composts into the universe,
the experience,
 and then as less and less is there,
we open our hands and hearts
 and off it goes.

However, sometimes
 things are heinous.
Long standing.
And were comported into
every arena of our beings.

Repetition of such.

And then, in the fabric of self,
this may happen thousands of times,
 in thousands of tiny ways.

 Which simply IS.

Radical acceptance is not always comfortable,
to say the least.

That's where the comforting and identifying
 of what we are feeling

 and the grounding and the validating ourself,

being given the gift of witnessing and validating as we move on the path,
can be vital.
The oft' harmed being growing new strong parts,
but always remembering the times of harm.

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