Thursday, August 6, 2015

8.2.15 I can't remember a time we weren't crazy for fresh air.

I can't remember a time we weren't crazy for fresh air. Opening up the top of the window of the bedroom, in the middle of winter, during a storm, when everyone in the house was asleep. Leaning on arms and elbows, watching the flakes fall, inhaling deeply that fresh new air. Somehow, you just knew how important it was.

Later on, having kids, carefully cracking one window upstairs, one down , knowing there would be a flow of fresh air streaming through all the rooms, all your loved ones afforded the rich oxygen, all the stale germ laden stuff spewing out. into the darkness of the sleeping world.

These days, in my 60s, I'm old enough that during the winter, when you're trying hard to save your money for your heating bills, I find myself being more careful about how much warm air to let loose. 
Somehow accepting the stale air throughout the house, waiting for spring to arrive. When there's warmer days, and you can throw open all the windows! Welcome fresh air into the house, like the bloodstream of some enormous beautiful creature.

Of course, now, with reams of science and research studies and technology to measure things, we are just beginning to understand the value of fresh air. First of all, if you have it, it's free. It's rich in oxygen, which oxygenates your blood cells, allowing them to cleanse themselves, allowing organs to replenish themselves. Want a cancer cure? Look to the basics. Like fresh air, fresh vegetables and fruit, good sleep. Being away from printers and copy machines and technology.

Now we have to be a fool not to know that fresh air is deeply rejuvenating, supports quality sleep. Buffers us from depression. Enhances longevity. Is anti-aging, protective of the aging skin and so much more.

One of the ways we can move in the direction of developing cancer is by having our blood and our bodies become so acidified. So many things we encounter in life create an acidic environment inside of us. It takes about 10 big glasses of very clean water to counteract acidity produced by one cup of coffee. Cancer does beautifully with acidity, and badly with alkalinity.

Yet, one of the funniest things of our current age is that we often decide to do things because we've researched it, on the Internet, prior to that, in books, and made a left brain prefrontal cortex decision that it is "good for us". 

Versus using our common sense, the sense deep inside of us, that knows and feels what benefits us.
Sometimes I wonder about the possible distortion of the type of ADHD that is so unique and functional and creative, into something that is so itchy and unhappy, perhaps because in our culture we began to be so goal oriented. Purpose driven. Demanding of ourselves in a theoretically accepted manner that does not function nor support our stability whatsoever. 

Versus listening to our own deep wise self.

And so, being blessed to live in the country, or anywhere with reasonably clean air moving through , it's days like this, when that fresh stuff is blowing into one window and out the another, of its own accord, that I find myself so deliciously thankful.

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