Thursday, August 6, 2015

8.4.15 People have been asking, so Biofeedback machines For Scanxiety, anxiety, insomnia, stress, health challenges , HTN

For Scanxiety, anxiety, insomnia, stress, health challenges , HTN- this little thing runs about $100, and is worth it's weight in gold . A small biofeedback machine you can save for . (We've wrapped ours in bubble wrap). When you use it with repetition , you learn a behavioral response that develops strength and agility , so gradually you can use the machine in intense situations , and access the behavioral response. 
It's imperative to have while living with life after cancer, or a cancer diagnosis .
Stressful responses are TOUGH not to have, and harm the capacity to sleep and the immune function . 
Acclimating to the use of a little biolfeedback machine is a form of training, and like any training , with repetition and determination , you get into great shape.
When we visited Dana Farber recently. , I used it and handed it off to be used the night before scan results , the drive there , when glitches happened in appts, and the time leading up to scan results . 
It is amazing , along w botanicals , to preclude HTN that often develops w chemo , and otherwise necessitates liver-harming HTN meds. 
A learned relaxation response occurs with increasing effectiveness with use, and pairing use WITH difficult situations we will encounter again in the future buffers us from stressful responses in a big way. 
You put the headphones on, put the thing on your hand , keep the hand relatively still mostly , and breathe and relax . 
It's good to do it some while relaxing , but doing it while driving , reading , using tech or tv is fine too. You unconsciously hear the tone change that indicates a lowering of your stress , or can watch the colors change.
It's important to remember that it's a small appliance that exposes you to electromagnetic radiation if you don't keep it 3' from you .
It's great for kids of all ages, as the tone slowly lowers with the increase relaxation response , so learning takes place .
This is the. 'Training' that makes the difference, and creates a greater and greater capacity to settle yourself in difficult important situations . 
Giving it a run in tough circumstances increases your unconscious pairing of that situation with profoundly settling yourself. .
Giving enough air time to really hard emotions and understandable fears by using mindfulness AND EFT early in the day , or ahead of a scan result day, uses up enough emotions that it's possible to go to bed the night before just focusing on the present moment , and drive in to the scan result appt with some ease too .
Loads of rescue remedy, a pellet of Kali phos. 6c 1x day for worry , fear and stress, SunTheanine and chewable GABA all buffer us well also. Making your own capsules of Valerian root to use the night before , if your Dr. says they are complementary w your chemo , is much like a liver-kind Lorazepam. 
It's really worthwhile to slowly get to know the tools that help support us w scanxiety or anxiety .…/thoughtstream-biofeedback-mac…/

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