Saturday, November 26, 2016

11.25.16 They know the words, but can't remember the tune

I wanted to help them with their emotions.
They are tangled in their sleeves .
They are tripping underfoot.
They are way back there at an age I once was. They are like me and not like me. And they jitter from one unassailable unhappiness to the next.
They are full of hard work and tenacity and foregone pleasures and building a future and there are so many unhappinesses some large and some small. And so many things are going well and some that aren't and it's in the letting go that they are faltering.So they are tripping over them all as they accumulate.
I watch them and I watch myself and I see all the terrible and difficult I have struggled with, breathing when I can, in between Mindfulness for Survival.
And I see that they knows the words of the song, I can tell, but can't remember the tune.

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