Friday, April 8, 2016

4.8.16 Pretty ok

Sometimes it seems as if we came into this world each with our own little basket , and when we begin reaching our 50's, and then 60's, we begin getting these little prize tokens of realizations. On how to best navigate what we have here. The realizations commiserate with the very cool navigational skills gleaned in the process of living. 

One my favorites is the Stay Under the Radar Rule. It goes like this.
Let's say you're in your sixties and your health has worsened. It's only one of a billion possible examples.

Let's say you have bad days and good days, that none of them are full functioning, but you'll take what you can get .

And let's say you begin to notice that on any given day, if you stay under whatever the radar might be for that day, in terms of activity, the next day you can't do a lot but you feel pretty ok.

Let's say the day after ,you do waaaaayyyy too much and the following day you wake up miserable and exhausted and sick and you can't do much at all. It's lousy. 

Til you begin to get it. 

That you can have the same reality while not being able to do much but feeling ok, 

vs having the same reality and not being able to do much and feeling absolutely miserable and becoming more ill.

That's The Under The Radar Rule , and we begin to learn that just because we are feeling kind of ok..... does not mean we are going to be glad tomorrow that we then way overdue today. 

So we sit it out. We do bits of well selected things, make an effort to learn how to not feel besieged by bad luck or worthless with q
uietude. And slowly, we live our lives, feeling pretty ok.


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