Saturday, February 27, 2016

2.27.16 Learning to connect

I remember my kids learning to navigate friendships.
We'd talk about how one kid was a real pain to bring on an (interminable) N.H. mountain hiking trip, but great to go bowling with.
Another was fun for a sleepover at our house, but not their house, and not with huge bunches of other kids.
Slowly, they each began to develop their sense of what to do with whom, and when it went well, or not so well, we'd have the bedtime-deconstruction-conversation, where they'd start out pretty livid at the 'dumb' friend, and end up realizing in retrospect what would have fit better.
Ending an hour sooner. Not going unaccompanied to movies with loads of sugary junk that sent that kid sky high.
It was the coolest thing to have the privilege of walking along with them, in their lives, while they figured things out for themselves. And I have to say, still is.

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